So I've come to the conclusion that people are fucking illiterate these days, I thought that it was only our president, but apparently the whole god dam nation is bonkers.
Have you seen these robots strolling the streets these days? I thought cloning was illegal, so why do we allow these "HIPSTERS" to walk the street so carelessly.
It bothers me to see the lack of originality being so heavily embraced by a whole generation.
And this is cool? I thought cool was suppose to be something that is different, and I thought different was something that was done by a small group; and different was never cool. Or it ended up being cool after the person died; as sad as that may sound. So it seems like different died so this lopsided degenerate of a concept is the closest thing they could compare to bring to the spotlight.

lol well with such stores as urban outfitters and american apparel bringing what was once the underground fashion world of "hipsters" into a mainstream market its hard to get away from it all; once being an art almost, shopping for vintage clothes was in fact different and thrifting was actually once original. I guess its what happens when a group of people levetate strongly towards a genre or lifestyle (in this case, the indy and even electronic scene), it gets sickening almost overrated. Its a craze, everyone wants to be the druggy artsy kid, dont ask me how or why, but i wont lie, i was stuck int he craze for a while. It wasnt untill recently that i saw that collecting peices and putting them together wasnt an art form anymore, when u could buy the comple same wardrobe at OU or a vintage store. But hey, always stay innovative and try new things, I totally agree with the blog though.
I totally agree with you blogger. I think I've reached a level of disgust and in turn I wannt wear garbage bags and face masks to protect myself from this madness. Something like "bubble boy" but for the posers and followers and the lack of originality. Its so sad to see my first love dragged in the dirt and strung along a route that it was never suppose to go on
well the last pictures pretty much look like how you and your friends dress minus those patent leather shoes you always wear
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