Friday, September 5, 2008


Witty sarcasm over dry humor by old men: they remind me of a time period when people held a level of intelligence without university. I'm aware that this was ahead of my time, but I grew up with a grandmother that became my time machine, she constantly transported me to the "good ol' days." A time where books were read as opposed to the video games of this generation that's a limitation of a once concentrated attention span. My question now lies; is intelligence truly based on the level of education one has reached? Or is it the development of one's mind in terms of mere common sense?
It seems as if all the reading is done by only the artistic minded. And if this is the case, has the technbological advancement of our time dumbed us down?I cannot stress this enough but if we don't better ourselves, this generation might just be the last. Religion preaches of the end time; scientists speak of the deterioration of the ozone layer. If two kinds who constantly challenge eachother's theories/beliefs can come to a common agreement of an analogy then how can it be a lie?

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